How do I import data from other projects?

This post is for NetSpot 2, for the newer, more advanced and majorly reworked NetSpot 3, please use this post as a guidance.

With the release of NetSpot 2.1, PRO users can now share data between projects. This data can be either a zone plus one or more snapshots, or just AP aliases.

It’s extremely convenient when you have an old survey you wish to redo, but don’t want to create all the zone configurations again. Or when your colleague configured everything for an effective survey and would like to share those configurations from his project. Or you can use this feature to just copy AP aliases that you hand-crafted from one project to another, without doing the manual job all over again.

NetSpot Wi-Fi analyzer for Windows is released

Importing Data

  1. Save the NetSpot project you wish to export data from (this creates a .netspd file).
  2. Open the Project you wish to import data into (or create a new Project).
  3. Select Zone > Import Zones from other projects from the top menu bar.
  4. Click the Choose File button, select the saved file, and click Open.
  5. A list of all available zones and snapshots in that file will appear. All are selected by default. Uncheck any you do not wish to import. You must select at least one snapshot for each zone you wish to import. Import AP Aliases
  6. To import AP aliases, leave the Import AP Aliases box checked. Uncheck it if you do not wish to import aliases. Or uncheck the zones and snapshots, and import only AP aliases.
  7. Click Import.
  8. Your imported zone(s) will now show up in the Zone selection menu on the bottom-left of the window.
updated: June 20, 2024 author: nsjill
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