NetSpot for iOS = Perfect WiFi

Perform WiFi Site Surveys for your network, Visualize with NetSpot for iOS, Analyze collected data with detailed Visual Heatmaps.

WiFi Site Surveys on your iPhone

NetSpot for iOS allows you to run a convenient WiFi site survey based on the Internet speeds of your wireless network.
Perform a survey on your mobile device
Any type and size of projects
No need for additional hardware

Visual analysis with NetSpot for iOS

NetSpot for iOS allows you to analyze your current wireless coverage in a swift manner by running an Internet speed test in just a tap as well as building Wi-Fi heatmaps based on your Internet speeds in various spots of the surveyed space. It's a great supplementary app to your main NetSpot for desktop.
Draw your surveyed area map
Upload the image of your surveyed space to NetSpot
Scale your map
Scale the map — indicate the real distance between two known points
Take measurements
Take as many measurements as you can to get more accurate data

Visually evaluate the results with the color-coded Wi-Fi heatmaps

You can build two types of Wi-Fi heatmaps directly in NetSpot for iOS: Download speed and Upload speed. They allow you to see how the Internet speed levels are distributed throughout the area and decide where adjustments are needed the most.

  • Download speed

Download speeds refers to how quickly data can be downloaded from a server to your device.

  • Upload speed

Upload speed refers to how quickly data is received when sent from your device to an Internet server.

Test your Internet speed with NetSpot

NetSpot for iOS allows testing the Internet speed of the network you are currently connected to. It is a great option for those analyzing their network performance after they've done some tweaks to it.

The download speed measurement will tell you how quickly your device is downloading data from the Internet, while ping value shows how quickly a data packet sent from your mobile device reaches its target server (keep in mind that ping and latency values depend on the distance from the reference server to your device).

  • Download speed
  • Ping
  • Previous test results
  • Date and time of the measurement
  • Reference server location
Identify WiFi issues Logo

Identify WiFi issues

NetSpot is a first choice WiFi analyzer for iOS for a reason. With the help of the collected Internet speed data you can detect the possible issues with your WiFi coverage and get on the way to fixing them. You'll have the opportunity to improve the coverage, capacity, and performance of your WiFi network.

Finding speed leakages
Locating issues with WiFi
Troubleshooting and enhancing your network's coverage, capacity, performance
NetSpot on Desktop

Ready to look deeper into your WiFi?

NetSpot for iOS is a great helping hand in covering the basic WiFi analysis needs. However, a powerful and way more advanced WiFi analyzer app is just a download away — get NetSpot for Windows or Mac to perform professional-level WiFi surveys and generate multiple types of WiFi heatmaps.
NetSpot for iOS makes WiFi analysis a breeze
NetSpot for iOS
Study your WiFi network, get the real-time data and
analyze it on the spot. You'll need iOS 15.0 or newer