We are excited to announce the release of NetSpot for Windows which brings not just improvements, but a micro revolution! NetSpot PRO and NetSpot Enterprise for Windows are finally here – same PRO features of macOS editions now available for your Windows computers.
Moreover, the license you purchase will work for either Windows or Mac computer, so you can easily transfer your license to another platform when needed.
Here are a few insights into our changelog:
- added Active Scanning
- added Zones and snapshots
- added Export in Survey mode: advanced, quick, heatmap only
- added Download speed & upload speed visualizations
- added Wireless transmit rate visualization
- added Troubleshooting and coverage visualizations (quantity of access points, frequency band coverage, PHY mode (a/b/g/n/ac) coverage)
- added Network grouping in Survey sidebar
- improved Responsiveness of sliders in visualization parameters
- improved Local Windows and Unicode characters (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) support
- updated The list of device manufacturers
- fixed A bug with highlighting of menu elements after interacting with any of the sliders in the visualization settings
- fixed Occasional crash when changing the minimum and maximum values in the visualization parameters
- fixed Crash when you open the project (from the Explorer) while the application is running
We hope you enjoy this update and premium editions of NetSpot for Windows. You can download NetSpot for Windows here. If you already have NetSpot, you can use the in-app updater.
You can also upgrade your current Home license to the PRO or Enterprise edition at a substantial discount.
Once you’ve given this new release a try, let us know how we did.
Thank you