NetSpot 2.6: new features and improvements

NetSpot 2.6

We are happy to inform you about new useful NetSpot updates! The release of NetSpot 2.6 (for macOS 10.10 or newer) improves quite a few features and fixes a few bugs.

Important! All new releases starting with NetSpot 2.6 will no longer support Mac OS X prior to 10.10 Yosemite. For older Macs, please, download NetSpot 2.5.

Here are a few insights into our changelog:

  •  added  All survey data can be exported to CSV
  •  added  Shareable Preferences for easier management of multiple copies of NetSpot
  •  improved  App notifications and their integration into Notification Center
  •  improved  Map rotation on survey start
  •  improved  Behavior of “Show in list” feature when managing the AP on the heatmap
  •  improved  Iperf tests in Preferences
  •  improved  Better preview of the title page in Advanced export
  •  improved  Export progress
  •  improved  Export of surveys with multiple snapshots (more than 16)
  •  improved  App activation improvements
  •  fixed  Values on detailed AP markers for speed visualizations built with Iperf
  •  fixed  Sampling point marker setting is now properly restored when you restart NetSpot
  •  fixed  Transparent active lines in Discover and Survey lists
  • fixed  A bunch of minor enhancements and fixes

We hope you enjoy this update. You can download NetSpot 2.6 here. If you already have NetSpot, just update.

Once you’ve given this new release a try, let us know how we did.

Thank you

updated: May 31, 2021 author: Kate NetSpot

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